Friday, March 20, 2015

Day 79: bony connectivity pattern

#79: Make up and move your own bony connectivity pattern

Turns out those pairs from day 78 were bony connectivity patterns. Now we know. I stuck with pairs for my pattern. I started with wrists/knees and then went onto toes/trochanters (the greater trochanters in particular - basically the outer part of the top of the femur. They used to come up a lot in release technique).

I'm just including video of the toes/trochanters improvisation, because it's more fun. And it's mostly more fun because of the music, which seems like cheating, but it all connected quite nicely into something that feels less amorphously floaty than many of my improvisations.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 78: move from pairs

#78 Move from the following:
> scapulae : fingertips
> heels : sacrum
> skull : pubic bone
> scapulae : sacrum

Wow. Hi. It's been awhile. I got that cold that everyone has. For the past few weeks, my creative practice has mainly involved constructing small mountains of used tissues. Pretty edgy stuff.  I seem to be well enough now to clamber back into my 100 days. (Though I am still integrating cough drops into my improvisations.)

This pretty straightforward movement improvisation was a great point of reentry. Back to dancing around the bedroom! I took each pair on it's own. After I'd been through all of them, I played around with trying to combine them all, but it felt random and diffuse and I lost steam.


The heel/sacrum connection was surprisingly hard to find today

Moving from the sacrum makes me want to either stick my butt out or drop straight down like a plumb line.

Except in the scapulae/sacrum combination, when it felt like three arrows trying to point in different directions.

Opposite effect with the pubic bone. I was doing a lot of weird tucked pelvis. I think I emphasized the skull more in that one. I took in more visually when moving from the skull.

The scapulae/sacrum connection was the most delicious. I didn't have to search to find the connection or keep reminding myself to find it. It's just there. And something about removing concern about the distal points of the body made it easier to explore kinesthetically with less thought of visual aesthetics. Or maybe it just fits in nicely with my visual aesthetic?